Download Instructions

Wondering how you will access your PDF download after purchasing? It's so simple!

Directly after checking out, you will be taken to a page to with a download button. You can download right away from here. If you exit the page, never fear! You will also receive an email that will give you the same download link.

We do not offer technical support as far as downloads go, because the process is so easy! 

Downloading is generally easiest to do on a computer. Please ensure you have a device that is able to download PDFs, because that is the format all of our patterns are in.

If you have trouble finding your file on your computer, make sure to check your downloads folder.

And if you absolutely have to download on your phone, here's a quick tip that I use so I don't lose the file:

1. Click on the download link so that the file opens up

2. Click the little arrow on the bottom left corner (this is what mine looks like with an iphone. Yours may be different if you have a different phone, but just look for a sharing button).

3. Hit the "email" icon and email the PDF to yourself as an attachment. This will ensure you don't lose it!

Of course, if you can download on a computer you will not have to go through this process because the file should save directly to your device.

Once you've downloaded the file, it's yours for your viewing pleasure, whether ad-free on your devices, or printed out!